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From Grass to Gardens

Click HERE to sign-up your home as a potential yard sharing garden in the Rogers Park area. 

Hello future Yard Sharers and Growers alike! We are currently in the process of trying to add more yards to the Rogers Park Yard Sharing Network. In the past we had the LETS GO Chicago non-profit overseeing the network, communicating with growers and homeowners and helping with financial costs related to garden build out. There is unfortunately a lot of work involved in operating multiple yards and dozens of people, so we are composting that system for now.   

We are trying a new, more distributive model moving forward. 

Here's the plan; Home Owners or those with access to land will fill out (again) THIS Google Form that includes a few basic questions about your yard and how to get in touch with you. With your consent we will post your Name, Contact Info, and Cross Streets only on this website and our Facebook Page so that interested gardeners can reach out directly to you about sharing your yard! 


We recommend using our LAND USE AGREEMENT as a tool to facilitate communication and to talk through logistics of shared space.  

Please contact us with any questions! 

Our 1st garden on our 1st day!
Summer team working together_

© 2019 Rogers Park Yard Sharing Network. 

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